Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Character's Backstories

Christen Back story- Christen comes from a normal income family. She has an older sister who her parents pay more attention to. Her sister is normal, makes better grades, and is the more popular one. Christen constantly lives in her sisters shadow. Christen has had Bi-polar disorder her whole life but refuses to get help. She feels that she is perfect the way she is and does not think of her self as different. She is extremely impulsive and unpredictable. Her parents somewhat think of her as an embarrassment due to her disorder and the fact she is so out of control. All the years of living in her sisters shadow has made her an insecure and angry person and has made her disorder worse.

Chad- Chad comes from a wealthy family. Chad keeps very little contact with his father and does not ask for money from him. Chad has spent his life as somewhat of an outcast. He has dealt with a lot of personal problems such as his mom passing away. Chad has an older brother who directs movies and eventually hires Chad to become his writer. He is a lonely writer who relies on his past dramas to write stories. 

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